Pedestrians are not much of a challenge for cars, but the solution is for both drivers and walkers to be ultra alert.
Thanks for your article [“Unsafe at Any Speed,” October], as I have been wondering how many hits there have been. While there are speeders and distracted drivers that can be in the mix, I write about an aspect of this issue I fear people are not being reminded about: While pedestrians do have the right of way, it remains unsafe and ill-advised to walk into the intersection without looking in either direction or waiting for cars to pass and then enter. When I am driving, it stuns me how many people don’t slow down or look and just walk right into the crosswalk. If a vehicle is a car length away from crosswalk, even with the right of way, it seems wrong for a person to step out there.
We have heard of the man who didn’t listen to his wife the evening of that terrible storm when even the schools closed, went on a walk anyway in near darkness with bad driver visibility, and was hit by a bus. It remains sad this fatal accident happened, yet why was he out there under those circumstances and possibly assuming a bus driver could see him?
This is an ongoing disagreement with my husband. When we approach a busy intersection, he will just keep walking, forcing cars to slam on the brakes while I start an argument with him from the curb. I would rather he be safe and wait a few seconds to let the car pass than assume the driver sees him, has quick reflexes and good brakes. What’s the rush?
If adults are entering intersections regardless of where a car might be, what are kids being taught?
While we need to remind drivers to be more alert, especially of walkers who may not stop, we need an equal campaign to adults and kids in school to be safe and responsible for their bodies too.
Kimberlee MacVicar, Alameda
Facing Mortality
I want to express my appreciation for the article on Death Cafe Oakland [“Not to Be Morbid, But Let’s Talk About Death,” October.] Good concept, good writing, good editing, and good photography. Thank you for your good work. Death Cafe Oakland is a labor of love for me, as I am sure your magazine is for you.
Bill Palmer, Oakland
Great Dane
Really great article on Barbara Dane [“Barbara Dane’s Wild Ride,” October] by Michael C. Healy. It should have been on the cover of your magazine.
Carl Martineau, Berkeley
I am very happy to write this letter to say that, “Yes! I want a new club.” I am definitely with the group “we want a new club.” It will be great and wonderful and exciting to have a new space and to have WAY more room. I am one of the massage therapists there, have been employed with Harbor Bay Club since 1995, and although I have always loved the setting where we are, it’s just not enough room anymore.
The space where the new club will be built has wonderful views, is very close, and it will be new! According to the floor plans I have seen, the spa will be separated from the children’s center, which will be good for my clients, quieter, more spacious, more luxurious, everything improved. More pools sounds fabulous, too, with lots of beautiful outside areas. The plan shows lots of trees and garden areas, and I do love the idea of bringing the outside inside by using plants and trees, which is a signature element of the Harbor Bay Isle development.
I’m excited for our town! I have lived here my entire life and have raised my children here. I love Alameda so much and hope for us to come together as a community so we all can grow and be happy. ,
Marion Ybarra, Alameda