Readers sound off on the plan to build a bicycle/pedestrian bridge across the estuary, the Pacific Standard Taproom, and Janet Napolitano.
About That Bridge
Great article [“A Bike Bridge Too Far?,” Jan.-Feb.], but it’s very one-sided. Many weeknights during the summer there are sailing events that use the water from Jack London to Coast Guard Island. If one of these bridges is put in place on the east side of Jack London, then these events will die, and with them, the sailing community. If a crossing is needed, then put it west of Jack London Square or in a tunnel.
Charles Hodgkins, Alameda
As an Alamedan who sails and volunteers for the US Coast Guard’s Boating Safety Office, my reaction is the USCG was purposefully painted as the recalcitrant bogeyman rather than as the protector of boaters and mariners everywhere. Would just like the author and editor to find a way to really fill in the other side of that story. I’ll be the first to sign on for a bridge if marine safety and national security aren’t significantly weakened as a result.
Rich Jepsen, Alameda
I’m one of those people who rode my bike through the tube once and vowed I would never do it again. If not a bridge, then surely there must be an alternative?
Dina Marie, Oakland
Minor Mix-up
Thank you so much for the article [“Berkeley’s Craft-Beer Renaissance,” Jan.-Feb.]. I just wanted to point out a discrepancy; Pacific Standard Taproom does not have outdoor seating. Our restaurant at Half Moon Bay Brewing Company does, and maybe there lies the mix-up.
Elizabeth Arthur, manager, Pacific Standard Taproom & Growler Station.
Lowered Wages
Interesting that there was no mention [“East Bay Person of the Year,” Jan.-Feb.] of the labor dispute (affecting over 14,000 UCSF employees) … UC has driven down real wages by 24 percent over the last two decades and now refuses to bargain in good faith for fair raises, showing that UC does not care that workers are not paid enough to live.
Colin Sjostedt, San Francisco
“It’s a Wrap” [December 2016] misstated the price of the hand-printed aprons with an Oakland map from Nathan & Co.; they are $28.
Published online on March 15, 2017 at 8:00 a.m.