The vice mayor puts better biking at the top of her list for Civic Drawing Board.
“I want Alameda to become one of America’s top bicycle-friendly cities. I look at Davis, Calif., where there are more than 100 miles of bike trails and lanes and where 22.1 percent of commuters travel to work by bike, and I think that could be us. In order to accomplish that, more Alamedans need to get in the habit of running errands and riding to work by bike.
“I also want to see more kids riding their bikes to school, adding to our sense of community and decreasing traffic on our roads. Alameda offers the perfect landscape for biking, and it’s only going to get better. Besides already having a beautiful bike bridge and numerous bicycle lanes, Shoreline Drive will soon have a new two-way cycle track, and all new developments at Alameda Point will be bike friendly.
“We’re hoping that these additional biking conveniences will entice people to choose a practical alternative to driving. Bicycling is economical, healthy, ecological, and fun. When I grew up in Alameda, everyone walked or biked to school. I’d love to see us go back to that way of life.”
Civic Drawing Board asks Alameda citizens and civic leaders to identify a concrete change that would improve their town.
This article appears in the May 2014 issue of Alameda Magazine
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