What’s your favorite Alameda organization, and why?
Kathryn Duke: I have volunteered in the Alameda Point Collaborative children’s education center, helping formerly homeless elementary schoolchildren with their homework and in cooking or other special classes. These children are often changing schools and experiencing other challenges in their lives, so this extra attention can make a big difference.
Morgan McKinlay: I like supporting Friends of the Alameda Animal Shelter because it is a wonderful organization that brings community awareness to animals in need. Giving citizens the opportunity to work with animals and help animals find their forever homes gives volunteers the chance to learn what it takes to properly care for animals and help those without homes.
Dave Needle: I like to support Citizens League for Airport Safety and Serenity, the Alameda-wide citizens’ organization that works with the Port of Oakland to minimize the detrimental effects of the aircraft using Oakland airport. Keeping the noise and pollution down is important for our health, our children’s health, and our quality of life. More than a decade ago, CLASS fought the Port on its massive expansion plans, we won a settlement agreement in court, and now have an equitable working arrangement.
June Delaney: I enjoy supporting Alameda Friends of the Parks Foundation. My two girls, who are now grown, and my husband and I used the parks and their services in many ways over the years. We enjoyed picnics, soccer practices, birthday parties, basketball playing, and pushing those swings so many times. As the world becomes more crowded with limited space, FOTP needs to be supported in order to protect and maintain our parks so that they can continue to provide and promote great memories, nature, health, and wellness.
Dee Dee Appleton: My favorite volunteer endeavor in Alameda is Meals on Wheels. MOW relies solely on donations and volunteers. I have been a runner and/or driver for 30 plus years. It is very rewarding and is really a small commitment of time.
Allen Kanady: If I had to choose one, it would be the St. Vincent dePaul Society. I was invited to attend a breakfast to benefit this organization and was very moved by the speakers. They provide many different types of valuable services to people in need and I am happy to provide a little bit of help to them when I can.
—Gina Jaber