Alamedans stay informed by The Times, the Chron, Twitter, and NPR, but not much TV.
Kirsten Simon:Â For local news, I talk to my clients and other people in the community. For national and world news, I get information from my Yahoo feed and from different newspapers, including The New York Times and the San Francisco Chronicle. I never get my news from TV.
Karin Lundstrom: I usually listen to NPR’s Morning Edition, and when possible, I watch the PBS NewsHour. I occasionally read The New York Times, which we subscribe to at home. It’s also available at the Alameda Free Library, which offers a variety of materials in print and electronic format to keep people informed.
Todd Roloff: I’m basically a bit of a news junkie and will surf around early mornings and evenings for the latest news events. Early mornings, I’ll have the TV on in the background for overnight local news/developments along with some national items. Then I go to websites like CNN, MSNBC, The Wall Street Journal, and BBC for different news related articles I may be interested in for that day. And, of course, from there it’s easy to branch off in different directions. Locally, I even check in on SF Gate, daily. And for Alameda specific, I’ll read both local papers and then read some local blogs and/or Twitter feeds. I most often watch the city council meetings on TV as well.
Elizabeth Knefel: I get my national and international news mainly from The Guardian and The New York Times. I don’t believe anything unless two or three publications that I trust verify the same information. When reading or listening to news, I think it’s important to have critical thinking skills. Just because something is in print, or someone says it, doesn’t mean it is real. The book, Research Strategies: Finding Your Way Through the Fog by William Badke, is great. It talks about how there are no gatekeepers anymore. Badke discusses how these days anyone can put anything in writing and create fake news. I completely agree with him and think that through our own efforts, we should be sure the information we’re getting is bona fide.
Emily Hanlon: I mainly get my news from a few reliable sources that I follow on Twitter. I don’t get my news from TV as I find it to be too stressful. I just immigrated to the area from Canada and am still looking for the best, most trustworthy sources. My dad still lives in Canada and stays informed on local and statewide news. He gets news alerts and then alerts me.